One way Jesus

One way Jesus

Thursday, October 21, 2010

When Blessings flow

For like a yr my life has seemed to meet one struggle after another, anywahere from family and friends to finances. Bow the blessings seem to be come forth as even in the rough time my trust faith and hoperemained in God.

The month started off by finding out that I will receive child support for my kids. that has been al,ost 7 yrs in the making. Then I find out that my section rent has finally went back to the 30 % of my income that it should be, with it dating back two months, thus making Nov rent really cheap. Last night I just found out that my income will increase yet again in Nov. This increase is only $73 dollars, but to me it is as if God is saying it is done. Why? because I knew coming into this month that I would have to go back to paying my insurance on van on a monthly bases.  And though I finally eliminated my storage bill, it would not be enough of a difference to cover the insurance, without taking money from another bill. My prayer was simply, God please help trust that you will find a way that all my bills can be covered. This last increase is just slightly more then what my insurance cost. which is totally awesome, but because of the child support and decrease in rent, God has given me even more them I prayed for :-)

The other part is family. I have prayed a long time for my family to be whole again. For awhile things just seem to be happening that my family was pulled more and more apart, but I still kept praying both for indivisaul family members and my family as a whole. Now, my oldest son has return to church, and with the power of God cause as he says, people will not stop him this time. he is doing what the church requires and he even told me last night that he is all but quit drinking(which is really huge for him) and is no longer partying :-) Plus the bonus on this is that more and more of his friends are wanting to come to church :-)
My miffle son had to move over 2000 miles away from me this past February and it broke my heart, as he was only 15 then, and it was the first time ever that one of my kids would be so far away from me. But thos child of mine there is never a doubt that he will keep in touch with me and so we did often keep intouch, but still wasn't the same as him being here. Last night I officaily found out that he is coming back to WA in two weeks. God's way :-) and I can't wait to see hom again, but wonder alittle if locally the rejoice of this will only be with me and my family.
And last but not least, my kids dad, my husband......God has plans in the making on this part to,however on this one, I can't yet let the cat out of the bag just yet, other then to say in May 2011 will be 7 yrs that I have been in WA, and when that time gets here, my family will be so differnt then when I first stepped foot in WA :-)

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